by Warren Ruud, AFA Chief Negotiator and Regular Faculty Member in the Mathematics Department
There's no easy way to say this—2009–10 will be one of the worst budget years on record for SRJC, and we haven't seen the bottom of the crisis yet. The next three years will most likely be as bad if not worse than 2009–10. Until the governor and the state legislature solve the state's structural fiscal problems, education will continue to suffer massive annual shortfalls in funding.
—AFA Update, August 2009
Those words written back in 2009 proved to be all too true. We all know what has happened since 2009—California community colleges slammed with devastating revenue cuts, our students locked out of needed classes, our programs slashed, and faculty around the state forced into salary and benefit concessions.
But there's good news this year! Read more »

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) is a negotiated agreement between the District and the All Faculty Association (AFA), which is incorporated into the next Tentative Agreement to be ratified by the AFA membership and the Board of Trustees. To date, the District and AFA have reached agreement on two MOUs for 2013–14: Eligibility for the Early Retirement Option (Article 24) and Department Chair Delegation of Duties (Article 13).
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On September 30, 2013, AFA hosted an information session at the Center for New Media to answer some of the most pressing questions from hourly instructors. Not surprisingly, during the session, many new questions arose. Some questions we were able to address in the moment, but others required more research to answer. In this edition of AFA Update we hope to provide more information in response to these specific questions and concerns raised by adjunct faculty. Adjunct faculty can also find a variety of information and resources on the Of Interest to Adjuncts page on the AFA website.
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AFA Publications Workgroup: Matt Murray Publications Coordinator, Filomena Avila, Paulette Bell, Paula Burks, Terry Ehret, Karen Frindell Teuscher, Jacqueline McGhee, Nikona Mulkovich, Warren Ruud, and Julie Thompson. |