by Warren Ruud, AFA Chief Negotiator and Regular Faculty Member in the Mathematics Department
Right after New Year's Day, most SRJC faculty start focusing on the beginning of another spring semester, but for those of us hanging around the AFA office in January, there's another important event—the unveiling of the Governor's State budget proposal for the upcoming year. Last year, after years of sobering January budget rollouts, there was cause to smile meekly; this year, perhaps there's reason to grin. The upturn in State revenue for California community colleges (CCC) that started last year is accelerating. This year's proposed increase in State CCC funding, 21%, is the largest in decades.
■ Advocacy for COLA and Categoricals
■ Salary, Benefits, and "Rank Ten"
■ Compressed Calendar
■ Also on the Negotiations Table . . . Read more »

ONLINE COURSE EVALUATIONS: Student Contact Observation
In a typical face-to-face class, the student contact observation is conducted during a single class session. Since there is no opportunity for a classroom visit in an online course, the question is often raised, "How much of an online course is subject to review in developing an Observation Report?"
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AFA Publications Workgroup: Matt Murray Publications Coordinator, Filomena Avila, Paulette Bell, Paula Burks, Terry Ehret, Karen Frindell Teuscher, Jacqueline McGhee, Nikona Mulkovich, Warren Ruud, and Julie Thompson. |