Part 2
by Warren Ruud, AFA Chief Negotiator and Regular Faculty Member in the Mathematics Department
After half a decade of financial gloom and doom for SRJC students, faculty, and staff, there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel. The good news from Sacramento keeps on coming for California community colleges.
In the AFA's March Negotiations Update, you may recall that we reported that proposed State Revenues for California commuity colleges (CCC) are up by a record 21% for 2014-15, and for the first time since 2007-08, the State is providing a Cost-of-Living adjustment. While the Governor has earmarked much of the 2014-15 CCC revenue increase to pay down the existing deferrals of payments, a sizable amount still remains for faculty salaries and program improvement for students. . . .
The contrast between this year's financial outlook and that of the last five years during the recession is startling. Obviously, this contrast is a topic of discussion in AFA-District negotiations this year, and what follows are the specific areas in which AFA is working for faculty through negotiations.
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■ Salary
■"Rank Ten" and the Statewide Salary Comparison
■ Benefits
■ AFA General Membership Meeting May 14

Executive Council members Nikona Mulkovich and Dwayne Mulder will be stepping down from the Council at the end of this semester. AFA wants to acknowledge these two Councilors' contributions to the Council and their service to the faculty. Thank you, Dwayne, for serving on the Council during your 2013-14 appointed term and Nikona, for serving since Spring 2012, including your Vice Presidency for Petaluma since Fall 2012.
In addition, many thanks go to Jacqueline McGhee for her service as Conciliation Grievance Officer during 2012-13 and Vice President for Santa Rosa during 2013-14.
Hats off to these faculty members! Back to top^
AFA Publications Workgroup: Matt Murray Publications Coordinator, Filomena Avila, Paulette Bell, Paula Burks, Terry Ehret, Karen Frindell Teuscher, Jacqueline McGhee, Nikona Mulkovich, Warren Ruud, and Julie Thompson. |