Part 2
by Warren Ruud, Regular Faculty Member in the Mathematics Department, AFA Chief Negotiator

AFA's primary job is to work for you in the areas of salaries, benefits, and working conditions. That job is pretty simple to describe. The AFA membership elects nineteen faculty members, both full-time and part-time, to the AFA Executive Council. The AFA Executive Council directs the AFA negotiations team in bargaining with the District, and the results of that bargaining are institutionalized in the provisions of the AFA Contract. If the District fails to comply with those provisions, then the Executive Council directs the AFA Conciliation/Grievance Officer (C/GO) to work with the District to bring them into compliance. Most conciliation/grievance actions are initiated after a faculty member contacts either the AFA office or the C/GO with a concern about that faculty member's contractual rights.
In the first Negotiations Update this year, we shared the current issues surrounding salary and benefits negotiations. The third component in AFA's scope of representation—working conditions—includes many aspects: job duties, safety, academic freedom, evaluation, due process, professional development, and so on. The primary aspect of working conditions, however, is workload. Simply put, it's the amount of work you as a faculty member are expected to do for the compensation you receive. Article 32 of the contract contains the provisions for faculty workload.
In this Update, you'll find a summary of the new faculty workload provisions implemented in the new contract. Please read this summary carefully, and if you have any concerns about how these new provisions may affect your particular faculty assignment, please contact the AFA office. Your call, email, or visit will always be treated confidentially. Read more »
A hearty congratulations to the three newly elected Sonoma County Junior College District Board of Trustees members: Dorothy Battenfeld (Area 3,4,5-Santa Rosa), Jordan Burns (Area 7-West County), and Maggie Fishman (Area 2-South County). We welcome you and look forward to working together in the tradition of SRJC's Legacy of Excellence. AFA also acknowledges with appreciation the many years of service by outgoing Board members Bob Burdo, Kathleen Doyle, and Don Zumwalt. Contact information for all current members of the Board of Trustees, effective November 6, 2014, is available here:
The California Community College Independents (CCCI) Fall 2014 Newsletter is now available online. Click here to view. Feature articles include:
> Accreditation, Student Services Top List of Concerns
> Real "Student Success" Requires Investment
> Audit Confirms Commission Shortcomings
CCCI is a professional organization of California Community College independent faculty union leaders in which they can share information and learn from each other about negotiation issues and contract matters. CCCI provides a formal statewide voice for the Independent faculty unions regarding issues affecting California community colleges. AFA has been a member of CCCI since 1991.
AFA Publications Workgroup: Matt Murray Publications Coordinator, Paulette Bell, Paula Burks, Terry Ehret, Karen Frindell Teuscher, Michelle Hughes Markovics, Sean Martin, Warren Ruud, and Julie Thompson.