In these uncertain times, you may be asking yourself: What has AFA been doing for me lately?

In light of recent challenges to unions at both the state and national level, it is all the more important to understand how you benefit from your AFA membership. Day in and day out, AFA is busy advocating for ALL faculty—by responding to numerous phone calls and email messages to AFA staff and officers; through representation of its members in meetings with department chairs, deans and other administrators; by providing publications and sponsoring events of interest to faculty members; and, of course, through the year-long negotiations process.

Did you know that AFA has an office that is staffed Monday through Thursday, from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., to answer your questions and to provide referrals? Staff members are well versed in the Contract, Board Policy and SRJC procedures. On a daily basis, AFA provides information on:

AFA staff members also provide referrals for members who are in need of help by the AFA Conciliation/Grievance officer ( If you have questions, feel free to call (527-4731), email ( or drop by (our office is located next door to the Copy Center in Analy Village, Building A, Room 649).

A significant part of AFA’s representation includes advocating for the rights of individual faculty members. This is accomplished by our officers, including the Conciliation/Grievance Officer, President, Vice Presidents, Chief Negotiator, and Secretary/Treasurer. All communications with AFA officers and staff members are confidential. Over the past year, AFA officers have assisted individual faculty members in the following ways:

AFA endeavors to keep all faculty members informed by providing timely communications and sponsoring events of interest to faculty. Topics of publications over the past few years have included:

Our most recent Dialogue piece is AFA’s response to the Fall 2016 schedule cuts (see: Who's Minding the Store?), and an archive of all publications can be found on our AFA Publications page.

In addition, AFA-sponsored events over the past few years have included:

Finally, AFA’s six-member negotiations team works relentlessly throughout the year to protect the rights enjoyed in our current 32-Article AFA/District Contract and Salary Schedules and to expand those rights. Here are some of the highlights from the last three years of negotiations:

Yes, AFA has been busy! We know that faculty members are on the front lines, and much of what AFA does for you is behind the scenes or confidential in nature. Rest assured, however, that AFA is there, every day, working tirelessly on your behalf. It is our privilege to serve and to represent the faculty of Santa Rosa Junior College, and we thank you for your support.

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