Your Executive Council Members


We thank you for your support in the recent vote to re-certify AFA as your local, independent bargaining agent advocating for faculty salaries, benefits, and working conditions. We're excited about another year of representing and serving our members here at SRJC and advocating for faculty needs in Sacramento. For academic year 2011-2012, the following faculty members are serving on the Executive Council:

Paulette Bell, Computer Studies (A) Reneé Lo Pilato, Work Experience (C)
Lara Branen-Ahumada, Kinesiology, Athletics, Sean Martin, Interdisciplinary Studies in
      & Dance; Theater Arts (A)        Philosophy, Humanities & Religion (C)
Paula Burks, Library & Information Resources (C) Dan Munton, Mathematics (C)
Dianne Davis, Disability Resources (C) Mary Pierce, Communication Studies (C)
Cheryl Dunn, College Skills/Tutorial (C) Warren Ruud, Mathematics (C)
Brenda Flyswithhawks, Behavioral Sciences (C) Audrey Spall, Counseling (C)
Karen Frindell Teuscher, Chemistry (C)

Mike Starkey, Computer Studies (A)

Andre Larue, Social Sciences (C) Julie Thompson, English (C)
(A) Adjunct Council Members (C) Contract Council Members

If you have comments or member concerns, please email a Council member—or all of us at once—by using the email links available on our Council members web page: (The email link for contacting all Council Members at once is located on the left side of the page under Hot Topics.)

Of critical importance: There are currently three vacant adjunct seats on the Council. If you are an adjunct faculty member interested in running for a seat, visit our homepage for more information: The deadline to submit a one-sentence statement of interest is 5:00 p.m., Friday, September 23.



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