CCCI California Commmunity College Independents
Fall 2011 Newsletter
Economics of Scarcity Becoming "Business As Usual"
Hendricks Endorsed for CalSTRS CC Board Seat
Student Success Recommendations Go Public
Balla-Hawkins Tapped as CCCI Legislative Advocate
inside the issue:
Economics of Scarcity Becoming "Business As Usual"
California's economic stagnation persists, and as
a result, the community colleges face ever-more challenging
budget cuts. But the problem now runs deeper
because as the recession continues, the cuts not only get
worse, they begin to look like "business as usual." As
we continue to suffer under the doldrums of a stagnant
economy, many of us also begin to look around for
someone or something to blame, a scapegoat. Here in
California, we have our own unique manifestations of
the effects of this long-term economic downturn, and
our own particular results with respect to the state's
community colleges. Read more »
Hendricks Endorsed for CalSTRS CC Board Seat
All community college faculty who are active members of CalSTRS will soon receive ballots by mail
to elect the next community college representative on
the CalSTRS Board, and in the
current political climate where
public pensions are under attack,
it is crucial that we elect someone
knowledgeable and strong.
CCCI has endorsed Sharon
Hendricks, a retirement issues
activist from Los Angeles City
College with a solid track record
advocating for both full-time and
part-time community college
faculty. Hendricks has served on the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC) Board and
FACCC Retirement Committee; she is the Retirement
Liaison for the LA College Faculty Guild; and perhaps
most importantly, she has been mentored and endorsed
by the outgoing community college representative on
the CalSTRS Board, Carolyn Widener. Read more »
Student Success Recommendations Go Public
Following the September 14 Student Success Task
Force meeting, a tentative recommendation went public
with presentations planned throughout the state, beginning
in September and continuing into December. Two
of these will be open forums, one in Northern and the
other in Southern California. The rest are scheduled as
part of other community college constituency meetings.
The Academic Senate's Fall Plenary, November 3-5 in
San Diego, may be the primary opportunity for faculty
input, but other meetings should be open to all. Read more »
Balla-Hawkins Tapped as CCCI Legislative Advocate
CCCI is pleased to announce that the organization
has engaged David Balla-Hawkins to advocate on behalf of community college faculty in Sacramento and to
assist CCCI members in local organizing and electoral
activities. Hawkins is no stranger to
community college faculty issues,
having served eight years as the
legislative advocate for the Faculty
Association of California Community
Colleges (FACCC) from
1993 to 2001. He also advocated
for California State University
faculty from 2001 to 2011 and is
well known for his work in grassroots
organizing. He got his start
as a student at Butte Community
College, where he was involved in
political activities addressing peace and social-justice
issues and opposing campus budget cuts, student-fee
increases, and faculty lay-offs.
Hawkins is glad to return. Read more »
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