Unemployment insurance (UI) benefits are not a form of welfare.
They are an earned benefit for which you, as adjunct faculty, have the
right to apply between terms. Even if you have been
offered an assignment for the following term, you may still be eligible
for UI benefits from the date of your last final exam up to the date
of your first class in the subsequent term. Click here to read more if you have any of the following questions:
Why are adjunct instructors eligible for unemployment benefits?
How do I file for benefits?
How much will I receive?
Once I start receiving benefits, do I have to fill out any forms?
I've heard that EDD is now issuing debit cards instead of checks. Is that true?
Do I have to pay income taxes on benefits?
What happens when my benefits run out before I return to work?
What if my claim is denied?
What do I say in my telephone interview?
What should I do if I get an EDD Notice of Potential Overpayment?
To read AFA's Unemployment Benefits FAQs and get important contact information, click here.
PT Retirement. Adjunct faculty at SRJC have a choice of three retirement plan options:
1. California State Teachers Retirement System
CalSTRS Defined Benefit Plan,
2. CalSTRS Cash Balance Plan,
3. and a District-provided 403(b) retirement plan
administered by Fidelity Investment.
You signed up for one of these three plans when you were hired. Each plan requires a different contribution rate from the employee (currently 9.205%/10.25%, 4% or 3.75%) and employer. Under certain circumstances, you can switch to another plan. Read more »
Equalized Paychecks for Equalized Distribution of Hours. Payroll currently compensates full-semester hourly assignments by calculating the total number of expected hours at the beginning of the semester, dividing equally by the number of paychecks for the semester (typically five for Fall or Spring), and then multiplying times the faculty member's hourly rate. Note that a mid-semester change to the actual hours taught, resulting from instances such as leaves of absence, co-teaching, medical leaves, substituting, etc., triggers a re-calculation of the hours and their re-distribution for the remainder of the pay periods.
FACCC Membership. Do you have a 20% load or less? "Opt in" for FACCC membership—it's free to join.
FACCC PT Listserv. Stay abreast of important news about California Community College part-time faculty issues and receive messages directly from FACCC's professional staffer Jonathan Lightman. Join FACCC's part-time faculty listserv. Go to
Then click on purple button titled "+ Join Group."
I've heard that EDD is now issuing debit cards instead of checks. Is that true?
Yes, in 2011, the EDD completed the transition from paper to plastic. Instead of delivering Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefit payments by check, EDD is now issuing the EDD Debit CardSM. Once you have received your card, you will have the option for a direct deposit transfer. For more information about the EDD Debit CardSM, click here.
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AFA Publications Workgroup: Marc Bojanowski-Publications Coordinator, Terry Ehret, Mark Ferguson, Michelle Hughes Markovics, Sean Martin, Terry Mulcaire, Julie Thompson & Michelle Van Aalst. |