The California Community Colleges Student Success Task Force (SSTF) was formed in response to Senate Bill 1143 (Liu, 2010).
The following are resources, links, and opportunities to participate in the discussion.
>> Assembly Bill AB No.1741 (introduced by Assemblymember Fong) 03/20/2012
AB 1741 essentially promotes a faculty vision of student success that includes:
(1) Increasing the ratio of faculty counselors to students.
(2) Restoring categorical programs that provide student support services.
(3) Increasing the percentage of hours of credit instruction that are
taught by full-time instructors consistent with Section 87482.6.
(4) Improving the professionalization of part-time faculty,including,
but not limited to,
expanding part-time faculty office hours
consistent with student needs.
Click on the link above to view afull copy of the bill.
AFA urges you to "Point & Click" support on this important Assembly bill.
Sign in, follow the prompts, and click (A) on the menu. It's easy to do and it does matter!
>> Senate Bill SB No.1456 (introduced by Senator Lowenthal) 02/24/2012
>> CCCCO Proposed Bill Language (Ed Code) - Student Success Act of 2012
>> CCCCO Proposed Bill Key Elements Summary - Student Success Act of 2012 02/01/2012
>> CCCCO Final One-Page Narrative Summary 01/2012
>> CCCCO Board of Governors approves SSTF recommendations - press release 01/09/2012
>> CCCCO (California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office) webpage
>> Calif Comm Colg Task Force on Student Success draft recommendations 12/01/2011
>> Calif Comm Colg Task Force on Student Success draft recommendations 9/30/2011
>> CoFO (Council of Facilty Organizations) ltr to CCCCO Board of Governors 01/05/2012
>> FACCC's Jonathan Lightman's observations of CCBoG meeting 01/09/2012
>> FACCC official response letter 11/07/2011
>> FACCC preliminary feedback
>> FACCC's Jonathan Lightman video testimony 9/12/2011 (Begins at 20:05/43:02)
>> CCCI (California Community College Independents) legislative ltr 1/30/2012 >> CCCI resolution response 10/21/2011
AFA Executive Council unanimously adopts CCCI Resolution 10/26/2011
Academic Senate for California Community Colleges endorses CCCI Resolution 11/05/2011
>> ASCCC (Academic Senate for Calif Comm Colg) response to SSTF 12/01/11 Recommendations
>> ASCCC plenary resolutions 11/05/2011
>> CCA (Community College Association) feedback 10/2011
>> Summary of Blog Site Online Comments 11/02/2011
>> Blog Site
>> Public Comment Opportunities - Fall Events Meeting Calendar and Timeline