Article 8: Academic Calendar
A. Number of Days for 2011-12: The contract year will consist of one hundred seventy-
seven (177) days:
1. One hundred seventy-five (175) days of instruction including four (4) day’s
worth of
professional development activities, consisting of three (3) full days
and two (2) half-
days of activities; plus;
2. One (1) day of District-designated activities (August 18, 2011), which may
curriculum development or alignment, student learning outcomes
program development, departmental meetings, special projects
including grants or
partnerships, health and/or safety related trainings, or any
other regular faculty
obligation to the District; plus
3. One (1) day’s worth of non-instructional college service, consisting of two (2)
of service (March 23 and May 26, 2012).
B. Furlough Days for 2011-12
1. For the 2011-12 academic year, AFA and the District agree to furlough the legal
maximum of two (2) days for a cost savings of 1.13 percent of annual faculty
across all salary schedules. This reduction will be considered a
mandatory furlough.
2. The two days will be taken as follows:
a. District-Designated Activities Day (August 18, 2011);
b. One-half (1/2) day of non-instructional college service following the one-half
(1/2) Flex Day (March 23, 2012); and
c. One-half (1/2) day of the non-instructional college service following the
one-half (1/2) day Mandatory Professional Development Day
Commencement Day (May 26, 2012).
A. Advance Planning. In order to facilitate planning, AFA and the District agree to
establish the academic calendar three (3) years in advance.
B. Calendar Committee. A committee consisting of the following individuals will
recommend an academic calendar to the AFA. The committee will consist of:
1. One (1) AFA representative
2. Two (2) Academic Senate representatives
3. Two (2) classified staff representatives
4. Two (2) students
5. Three (3) administrators
C. Process for Calendar Development. The committee will develop calendar options
and forward them to AFA. An AFA representative will then take the option(s) to
College Council for input. Subsequently, AFA will present the calendar option(s) to all
constituent groups for further input. After considering all feedback, AFA will negotiate
the calendar with the District and bring it to the Board of Trustees for approval.
See Article 22: Professional Development.
A. Composition: AFA and the District agree to create a Compressed Calendar
Negotiations Task Force with the following appointments:
1. Five AFA appointments: AFA will have five appointments, including at least one
member of the AFA Negotiating Team.
2. Five District appointments: The District will have five appointments, including at
least one member of the District Negotiations Team.
3. AFA and the District will each appoint one co-chair from identified members:
a. AFA appointees will select one co-chair.
b. District appointees will select one co-chair.
4. In addition, either one of the co-chairs may invite “experts” to participate, as
needed. Those invited to attend may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Director of Admissions and Records
b. Director of Information Technology
c. Director of Facilities
d. SEIU President
e. Vice President of Business Services
f. Vice President of Student Services
g. Dean of Counseling and Support Services
h. Faculty members representing various disciplines or Student Services
i. Other administrators or classified staff, as needed
j. Representatives of student government
B. Duties: The task force will:
1. Investigate various models for implementing compressed calendars, especially
successful models from other community colleges in California;
2. Conduct study visits to other colleges in California where the compressed
calendar has been successfully implemented;
3. Review research on the pedagogical impact on students, as well as impacts on
student life, student success, retention, and persistence;
4. Develop at least one model (and perhaps alternative models) about how the
compressed calendar might be implemented at SRJC;
5. Consult with the Academic Senate, the Calendar Committee, and other
constituent groups, and make recommendations to the AFA and District
negotiating teams. It is understood that these recommendations are not
binding on either group, and are provided for consideration only;
6. If possible, arrive at recommendations to the negotiating teams by consensus.
In any case, a vote will be taken. Those members of the task force who
with the recommendations may submit a minority opinion.
