Academic calendar transition study. (2009, Spring). Retrieved from Porterville College, Academic Senate Web site: reports/Calendar Study Report.pdf
Results of study of transition from 17.5 to 16-week compressed calendar at Porterville College in fall 2006. Study compares impact on student success by comparing academic years 2004-05 and 2005-06 before transition to
years 2006-07 and 2007-08 after change to calendar. Results from brief faculty survey of pedagogical issues also included.
Academic Senate. (2007, May). Los Medanos College Academic Senate: Draft Minutes 05/14/07. Paper presented at
Los Medanos College, Room 223, Los Medanos College. Retrieved August 31, 2009 from:
Draft minutes detailing discussion at Academic Senate of impact of proposed compressed calendar on nursing
program, nontraditional students, and student preferences for compressed calendar.
Austin, A. M., & Gustafson, L. (2006). Impact of course length on student learning. Journal of Economics and Finance
Education, 5(1), 26-37. Retrieved from
The link between course length and student learning is investigated using a database of over 45,000
observations from Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters at the University of West Georgia. After controlling for
student demographics and other characteristics, research found that intensive courses result in higher grades
than traditional 16-week semester length courses and that this benefit peaks at about 4 weeks. By evaluating
future performance the research concludes that the higher grades reflect a real increase in knowledge and are
not the result of a “lowering of the bar” during summer.
Carley, M. (2002, May). Community college compressed calendars: Results of a student survey and a faculty survey.
Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the Research and Planning Group for the California Community Colleges,
Pacific Grove, CA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED466740) Retrieved August 26, 2009, from ERIC
Plus Text database.
Abstract from document:
This document reports that many community colleges are considering changes in their traditional semester
calendars. In California, the most common question facing colleges is whether to switch from the traditional (in
California) 18-week semester to a 16-week one. This paper details the results of a student and faculty survey
conducted at Porterville College, a small community college in central California on the compressed calendar
and related issues. The student survey was divided into four sections: obstacles to class attendance, days and
times classes are scheduled, summer and winter classes, and class and semester preferences. More than 70%
of students surveyed indicated they would be more likely to take summer school classes if more were offered and
62% of students expressed a preference for a 16-week schedule. In addition, 82 full-time and adjunct faculty
members completed a survey that gauged their willingness to teach summer classes, Friday block classes, and
winter intercession courses. Close to half of the faculty surveyed were willing to teach in the early summer, winter
intercession, or on Fridays. Less than 30% expressed a willingness to teach the second summer session in late
July. Appended are the two survey instruments. (Contains 12 charts and 2 references.) (RC)
Committee on compressed calendar summary for faculty senate. (2005, May 6). Retrieved from Ohlone College Web
Provides assumptions based on other reports. Covers topics including course and academic calendar
scheduling. Input from classified staff, faculty in specific disciplines, counselors. Includes comments pro and con.
Many lengthy comments from faculty who have experience working at other community colleges already on
compressed calendars.
Compressed calendar frequently asked questions [Fact sheet]. (2006, March 7). Retrieved August 31, 2009, from Los
Rios College Federation of Teachers Web site:
FAQ sheet from faculty union addressing questions concerning primarily faculty workload issues when changing
to a 16-week compressed calendar.
Compressed calendar : Frequently asked questions [Fact sheet]. (2008, August 22). Retrieved August 31, 2009, from
Long Beach City College Web site:
FAQ sheet from Long Beach CC detaining typical questions and answers to proposed 16 week compressed academic calendar. Topics include class hour vs. clock hour, scheduling patterns, implications for
apportionment, flex days, changes to curriculum/necessitating curriculum committee involvement.
Exploring M. SAC’s new compressed calendar. (2006). Retrieved August 31, 2009, from Mt. San Antonio College Web
Publication presenting FAQs primarily addressed to student concerns. Focuses on opportunities and positive
outcomes for students as a result of Mt. SAC’s transition to a compressed calendar.
Lawson, R., & Nixon, J. (2008, November 21). Academic calendar: Best practices. Presentation presented at CCLC
Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.
PowerPoint presentation detailing history of compressed calendar development at California community colleges including reference to specific sections of Title V revisions. Identifies issues, presents guidelines,
calculations for term length and FTES, scheduling examples.
Logan, R., & Geltner, P. (2000, April 4). The Influence of session length on student success. Retrieved from Santa
Monica College, Office of Institutional Research Web site:
Reports on how teaching patterns serve students in meeting academic needs. Specifically explores use of 6- and
8-week sessions and finds that students have higher success rates in these short sessions. Uses data collected
from fall 1994 - summer 1999.
San Diego Community College District Office of Institutional Research. (n.d.). 16-Week schedule faculty survey results.
Retrieved from
Survey reports on faculty opinions regarding 18- vs. 16-week academic calendar. Areas covered include 16- vs.
18-week schedule, start date, quality of education, affect on ability to balance work/issues, intersession options,
short term class option, availability of additional morning classes, weekend classes, and educational goal
Sheldon, C. Q., & Durdella, N. R. (2010). Success rates for students taking compressed and regular length
developmental courses in the community college. Community College Journal of Research and Practice 34(1),
39-54. doi:10.1080/: /senate_SheldonDurdella.pdf
Using historical enrollment data from a large, suburban community college in southern California, this study
examines the relationship between course length and course success in developmental education when social
and academic background characteristics are controlled. Results demonstrate that developmental course length
was associated with statistically and practically significant differences in course success observed across all
categories of age, gender, and ethnicity. Students enrolled in compressed-format courses were more likely to
succeed than students enrolled in regular-length courses. Higher successful course completion rates for
compressed courses were observed across all departments. Findings point to an educational benefit for students
who enroll in compressed courses.
Spurling, S. (2001, May 2). Compression of semesters or intensity of study: What is it that increates student success? Retrieved from Eric PlusText database. (ED467474)
From the abstract: “This paper presents evidence for the effectiveness of both the intensity and compression
hypotheses and performance of students in English, Mathematics, and ESL classes during a compressed
summer term as well as from students enrolled in concurrent course sequences during spring and fall terms. It
was found that both compression and intensity positively influence student success independently of each other.
The implications of this research for course scheduling are discussed.”
Wetstein, M., & Nguyen, A. (2008, February). California community colleges on compressed calendars: FTES, success,
and retention rates before and after compression. Retrieved from San Joaquin Delta College, Office of Planning,
Research & Regional Education Web site:
This brief report highlights findings from a study of 33 community colleges that made the transition to shorter
semesters weeks between 2001 and 2002. All colleges surveyed transitioned to 16 week semesters and offered
summer intersessions. 27 of those colleges also included winter intersessions. Results indicated no significant
differences before and after the change in calendars in terms of FTES. However, results revealed “significant
mean differences in success rates and retention rates before and after the switch to compressed semesters”
including a 1.5% increase in student success, and a 1.5% increase in student retention.
Willett, T., & Miller, K. (2004, December 7). Faculty schedule preference survey results. Retrieved from Gavilan College,
Office of Institutional Research Web site:
Survey report published at Gavilan College website in which 69 of 199 faculty responded to survey regarding
switch from 18- to 16-week academic calendar. Most faculty favored the switch and desired quick implementation. Benefits perceived include improving student and faculty environment, being more competitive with other colleges. Concerns revolved around smooth implementation more so than potential scheduling difficulties.
Workgroup of System Office and Chief Instructional Officers Representatives. (2006, March). Academic calendars,
scheduling, and related topics : concept paper. Paper presented at Joint CIO/Conference. Retrieved August 31,
2009, from
As stated in abstract to paper, “The objective of this Concept Paper is to enhance dialog between the System
Office and the Community College Districts on standardization strategies related to course scheduling, flex
calendars, and academic calendar compression.”
Includes thorough review of regulations relating to compressed calendars.
