Task Force Projects |
♦ Identify community colleges in California currently using or considering compressed calendar
♦ Identify various models for compressed calendars, benefits and drawbacks of each
♦ Conduct system-wide research to find relevant studies on impact of compressed calendar on instructional programs
♦ Meet with deans/faculty from instructional programs to discuss and identify key issues surrounding compressed calendar
♦ Analyze impact of compressed calendar on non-instructional programs at SRJC
♦ Maintain current and useful web pages reflecting the work of the task force
♦ Schedule site interviews and/or visits to gather information, and evaluate impact of compressed calendars at other California community colleges
♦ Identify, compare, and evaluate variations in compressed calendar models from other California community colleges
♦ Expand task force as needed to represent relevant constituent groups
♦ Promote and direct District-wide discussion of key issues surrounding potential compression of calendar at SRJC
♦ Develop and implement District-wide survey to determine whether or not SRJC should pursue a compressed calendar
