Conclusion, Spring 2014 |
February 20, 2014
After more than four years of meetings, research, discussions and committees, SRJC faculty and the District will no longer pursue the implementation of a compressed academic calendar by mutual agreement.
AFA's position has always been that a clear consensus of the faculty in favor of the compressed calendar would be necessary in order to begin negotiations with the District. In 2012, the Academic Senate chose to conclude its role in the college-wide discussion without taking a position. The Department Chair Council has discussed the Compressed Calendar option a number of times but has not taken a position.
This year, faculty chairs initiated discussions in their departments with the goal of each department taking a position on whether the College should implement one of the calendar models put forward in the Compressed Calendar Task Force final report. In the end, six departments have taken a position for implementation (this count includes those departments who voiced support in Spring 2012), and twenty-five departments either have taken a position against implementation or have taken no position. Now, with this input from the departments added to the record, it's apparent that no clear consensus in favor of implementation exists among faculty.
AFA's intention has been to conclude the compressed calendar issue this academic year. In February, this matter was discussed at the AFA Executive Council meeting. After reviewing the departments' input and upon my recommendation, the Council chose to table the Compressed Calendar issue indefinitely.
On behalf of all faculty, I wish to express our appreciation for all of our colleagues who served on the various committees during the consideration of the compressed calendar option. In particular, I would like to recognize Janet McCulloch whose idea began the process in 2009 and who, as CCNTF co-chair, produced the final report in 2013; and Mary Pierce who agreed to chair the original Senate/AFA Task Force, provided expert guidance to the early process, and produced a large part of the initial research. Thank you both.
An account of the Compressed Calendar proceedings over the past four years is available on this webpage.
Warren Ruud
Chief Negotiator, All Faculty Association
Santa Rosa Junior College
CCNTF Final Report, Fall 2013 |
December 2, 2013
AFA invites visits to departments to engage in discussion about compressed calendar issues.
Memo to Chairs [pdf]
September 22, 2013
The SRJC Compressed Calendar Negotiations Task Force (CCNTF) submitted its final report for college-wide discussion and consideration by the AFA and District Negotiating Teams. The report is available at /senate/CCNTF_Report.pdf.
February 1, 2012
SRJC Academic Senate open forum discussion summary re. Compressed Calendar.
Data source: SRJC Academic Senate website. Link
Task Force Mission Statement |
The SRJC Senate/AFA Compressed Calendar Task Force, established spring 2009, was initially sponsored
by the All Faculty Association and the Academic Senate to research the design and impact of
compressed calendars at community colleges throughout California with the intent to
implement best practices at Santa Rosa Junior College. The District joined the project in
December 2010 to continue the research and develop a potential model for implementation.
Compressed Calendar Negotiations Task Force (CCNTF) Duties: The second phase of the project began spring 2011. An MOU [pdf] was signed between AFA and the District December 9, 2010 and states that the task force will:
- Investigate various models for implementing compressed calendars, especially
successful models from other community colleges in California.
- Conduct study visits to other colleges in California where the compressed calendar
has been successfully implemented.
- Review research on pedagogical impact on students, as well as impacts on student
life, student success, retention, and persistence.
- Develop at least one model (and perhaps alternative models) about how the
compressed calendar might be implemented at SRJC.
- Consult with the Academic Senate, the Calendar Committee, and other constituent
groups, and make recommendations to the AF A and District negotiating teams. It is
understood that these recommendations are not binding on either group, and are
provided for consideration only.
- If possible, arrive at recommendations to the negotiating teams by consensus. In any
case a vote will be taken. Those members of the task force who disagree with the
recommendations may submit a minority opinion.
Academic Senate/AFA Compressed Calendar Task Force: The first phase of this project was completed December 2010. The following work was completed:
- Identification of campuses that have implemented compressed calendars (fall 2009).
- Research the literature surrounding compressed calendars including a variety of
schedule configurations; identification of relevant sections of California Ed Code;
budget implications; contract issues; successes and drawbacks of compressed
calendars as experienced throughout the Community College system (fall 2009).
- Distribute and present reports and other relevant materials to as many constituent
groups across the District as possible (fall 2009).
- Engage in dialogue and solicit feedback from instructional departments, deans,
Administration, AFA, Academic Senate, Petaluma Faculty Forum, Department Chair
Council, SEIU leadership, Classified Senate leadership, Academic Affairs, Board of
Trustees, Associated Students (fall 2009 through fall 2010).
- Identify potential challenges and benefits of implementing compressed calendar at
SRJC (fall 2009 through fall 2010).
- Write and distribute “Voter’s Guide” to help faculty, staff, and administration
participate in District-wide survey (spring 2010).
- Develop and implement survey for faculty, staff, and administration to determine
preferences for compressed calendar at SRJC (spring 2010).
- Develop and implement survey for students to determine preferences for compressed
calendar and continue to solicit feedback from Associated Students about best
practices (spring 2010).
- Expand task force to include representatives from relevant constituent groups across
District (fall 2010).
- Schedule site visit to Ohlone Community College to conduct interviews, gather
information, and evaluate impact of compressed calendars on student retention,
student success, curriculum adjustments, and other relevant matters (fall 2010).
- Identify and examine additional alternate calendar models for potential
implementation at SRJC (fall 2010).
- Develop and maintain web pages to support ongoing dialogue about the project