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Welcome to the new Adjunct Section of the AFA Web site!


Of Interest to Adjunct Faculty

INTERVIEW TIPS - AFA Workshops for Adjuncts - March 14, 2011
In an effort to support adjunct faculty who may be applying for tenure track positions currently open at Santa Rosa Junior College and elsewhere, AFA offered workshops open to all adjunct faculty at SRJC--"Interview Tips" and "Resumé Writing." To view the PowerPoint presentation focused on tips for a successful job interview, click here. (2.1 MB)  Facilitators included Bev Henningsen, Audrey Spall, and Catherine Wilson.

RESUMÉ WRITING - AFA Workshops for Adjuncts - February 8, 2011
During this workshop, tips and techniques were presented for writing an effective resumé, followed by a question-and-answer period. Faculty and staff presenters from the Counseling and Work Experience Departments and the Career Center were also available to review participant's resumés. Facilitators included Bev Henningsen, Reneé Lo Pilato, Amy Merkel, Suzanne Papa, Audrey Spall, and Catherine Wilson.

PART 2: AFA Workshops for Adjuncts - Resumé Writing February 8, 2011
PART 3: AFA Workshops for Adjuncts - Resumé Writing February 8, 2011
PART 4: AFA Workshops for Adjuncts - Resumé Writing February 8, 2011
PART 5: AFA Workshops for Adjuncts - Resumé Writing February 8, 2011
PART 6: AFA Workshops for Adjuncts - Resumé Writing February 8, 2011

  Phone: 707⁄527–4731 FAX: 707⁄524–1762 Last Update: 10/02/18