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Forms and Procedures for SRJC Faculty

Use the links below to access forms and procedures for SRJC faculty.

292 KB
  Nomination for AFA Executive Council
1 MB
  Guide to Running for AFA Executive Council
64 KB
 Associate Faculty:
  EVALUATION Forms for Associate Faculty
  AFDAF Interactive Timesheet (print on yellow paper)
951 KB
  AMBP (Associate Medical Benefits Program) March & September enrollment
831 KB
  UI (Unemployment Insurance)
  Contract Faculty:
  EVALUATION Forms for Contract Faculty (see below for Tenure Review evaluations forms)
  Faculty Load Banking (FLB) Form (.pdf)
82 KB
  PGI Summary of Activities revised Fall 2013 (.pdf)
229 KB
  PGI Summary of Activities revised Fall 2013 (.doc)
258 KB
  Seniority List (.pdf)
64 KB
  Seniority List Research Request Form (.pdf)
116 KB
  Tenure Review & Evaluations for Probationary Faculty:
  TENURE REVIEW EVALUATION Forms for Probationary Contract Faculty
  Guide to the Tenure Review Process for Probationary Faculty (Spring 2015)
188 KB
  Guidelines for Evaluating Classroom Teaching (revised June 2012)
160 KB
  Hourly Assignments:
  Length of Service (LOS) Lists, alphabetical by Department       (ref. Article 16.02.B.5.f)

           list contents:
           Faculty Name  ♦♦♦  Departmental Paid Svc Date (m/d/yyyy)  ♦♦♦  Established Load % per term
           Departments update and submit lists to AFA for posting EACH SEMESTER by Proof 1 deadline.
           AFA accepts no responsibility for accuracy or completeness. Report errors to Department.
  Department-Specified Provisions (DSPs), alphabetical by Department       (ref. Article 16.05)

           blank fillable forms:
           DSP form         ♦♦♦         addendum Special Expertise         ♦♦♦          addendum Summer Session    
  Hourly Assignment Procedures--New DSPs Pending, alphabetical by Department      

  Misconduct Investigations and Progressive Discipline (Article 23):
  Acknowledgement of Rights (Fillable PDF)
50 KB
  Notice of Placement on Administrative Leave (Fillable PDF)
52 KB
  Notification of Investigation (Fillable PDF)
60 KB
  Summary of Interview Subject Matter (Fillable PDF)
49 KB
  Grant-funded Special Assignments (approved forms):
  Grant-funded Special Projects (blank form)
  Math and English Q&A at Petaluma Welcome Day (Approved Project)
  Lanzamiento Faculty Coordinator (Approved Project)
  Zero Textbook Cost Grant Coordinator (Approved Project)
  Faculty Coordinator, Cultivating an Ecosystem of Belonging (CEB) Program (Approved Project)
  Spring Back Into Action (Approved Project)
  MESA Faculty Sponsors (Approved Project)
  Grievance (Fillable PDF)
80 KB
  Faculty Rights and Responsibilities in the Student Complaint Process
148 KB
  Mike Meese Memorial Foundation Donation
  Payroll Direct Deposit
135 KB
  Voluntary Payroll Deduction for Instructional Program Fund
552 KB



  Phone: 707⁄527–4731 FAX: 707⁄524–1762 Last Update: 01/29/23