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As a result of the Governor's May 14 proposed budget revision and the resulting cuts to the District's State funding for both this year and next, the District has decided this week to reduce the Summer and Fall schedules a total amount equivalent to 18% of the present Fall schedule. The reductions will be coming from the hourly assignments. These cuts represent approximately one-third of all Fall hourly assignments. As far as we know, no Department or Cluster has
been given a specific goal for reduction. The District plans to issue the guidelines for making these cuts to the Fall Schedule of classes next week.
AFA agrees that the financial emergency is both acute and authentic. Our role in the process is to:
Preserve programs and services for students,
Assure that particular cuts are necessary, and
Uphold faculty rights under Article 16.
AFA acknowledges that the District has the right to reduce or modify the schedule as stated in the Contract (16.07 A--D). The decision to reduce the Fall 2009 Schedule of Classes will have serious implications for students, departments, programs, and individual instructors. AFA intends to protect the rights of all faculty during this crisis.
The AFA Negotiation Team is engaged in ongoing discussions with the District. We will try to keep you updated as more details become available. In the meantime, please stay in contact with your department chair or supervising administrator. This will be especially important for those who have hourly assignments.
Janet McCulloch
Chief Negotiator, All Faculty Association
Warren Ruud
President, All Faculty Association
Ann Herbst
Conciliation/Grievance Officer, All Faculty Association