Hourly Assignment Pay Rates
What you get paid for your hourly assignment is based on one of five hourly salary schedules. Which schedule is used—base (and allied), lecture, lab, noncredit, or career development/college planning (CDCP)—depends upon your particular assignment. You can find these five hourly salary schedules here.
Just like the annual salary schedule for contract faculty, each hourly salary schedule has rows and columns. The horizontal rows are steps, which reflect your teaching experience. The vertical columns are classes, which reflect your academic or vocational preparation. Each hourly salary schedule has nine steps and four classes. Your pay depends upon your step and class.
SRJC faculty enjoy the advantage of hourly salary schedules being linked to the annual contract salary schedule. The amount in each cell in an hourly salary schedule is proportional to the amount in the corresponding cell in the annual contract salary schedule. Thus, for example, when regular faculty members receive a two percent salary increase, adjunct faculty members (and regular faculty members who have an overload) receive the same two percent increase. This connection is called a linkage.
This linkage between the annual contract and hourly schedules is detailed in Article 26 of the AFA Contract. Each hourly rate in the base/allied hourly salary schedule is essentially the "hourly rate" for contract assignments for the same step and column.
The other four hourly salary schedules are computed directly from the base/allied hourly salary schedule using pay factors that AFA negotiates with the District. The pay factors "enhance" the hourly pay rate to compensate for class sessions plus class preparation, student assessment, and student consultation time.
An hourly rate for the lecture, lab, noncredit, or CDCP schedule is computed by multiplying the base/allied hourly rate, at the corresponding step and class, by each schedule’s particular pay factor.
This linkage of hourly rates to the annual contract salary schedule has been beneficial in achieving some of the highest rates of hourly compensation in California community colleges. According to the annual reports furnished by the California Community College Chancellor’s Office, SRJC’s average hourly rate consistently ranks in the top ten.
The pro rata for each hourly schedule is computed by multiplying the pay factor by the number of weekly hours of scheduled instruction for each assignment type and dividing by 40, which is the total number of weekly hours for an instructor with a 100% contract.
Through negotiations over the past ten years, AFA has increased the lecture hourly assignment compensation from 61.5% pro rata to 72.6% pro rata, based on the full 100% pay of a regular faculty member. AFA has achieved increases in lab and noncredit pro rata as well. One of AFA’s long-term goals is to achieve 87.5% pro rata pay for these four hourly salary schedules. At that pro rata, the compensation for the student contact portion of the job (classroom, preparation, student assessment, and office hours) would be identical for both regular and adjunct faculty on the same schedule step and class.
Learn how to self-check your step with this handy guide.