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AFA Constitutional changes to Council composition appvd by AFA Members 5.6.11 effective Fall 2012

AFA Standing Committees List pdf

AFA District-Wide Committees List pdf

Duties of Councilors, Negotiators, Officers, Appt Positions, Composition of Cabinet, and more


Organization and Structure of AFA

AFA Executive Council


  • The Council is composed of 19 faculty members, 11 of whom are regular faculty, and 8 are associate faculty, effective Fall 2012. All members have equal standing with respect to voting and bringing issues to the Council.


  • Elections for vacant seats (approximately half of the Council) occur each Spring semester.
  • Term of office is 2 years.
  • Any faculty member who is currently an active, dues-paying AFA member and has been for the past five months is eligible to run.
  • All dues-paying Members of AFA are eligible to vote in AFA representative elections.
  • Contract faculty Members elect contract faculty representatives; associate faculty Members elect associate faculty representatives.


  • The Council holds regular meetings on the second and fourth Wednesday afternoon of each month during the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • A special meeting of the Council may be called by the President, by a Vice-President, or by three Councilors.
  • There is at least one General Meeting each semester.

Elections of Officers and Appointments of Other Positions:

  • Elections are held at the end of the fall semester for the next academic year.
  • Officers are elected by majority vote of the Council.
  • President must have served as Council member, or Negotiations Team member, or Conciliation/Grievance Officer for at least one year to be eligible.
  • President is on the Negotiations Team by position.
  • There is no limit on consecutive terms of office.
  • Appointments of other positions do not necessarily need to be filled by Executive Council members.
AFA Officers:
President and Negotiator Two-year term* Receives reassigned time
Executive Vice President One-year term Receives reassigned time
Vice President of Membership & Outreach One-year term Receives reassigned time
Secretary/Treasurer One-year term Receives reassigned time
Conciliation/Grievance Officer One-year term Receives reassigned time
Chief Negotiating Officer Two-year term* Receives reassigned time
Appointed Positions:
Negotiator - Data Analyst One-year term Receives reassigned time
Negotiator - Note Taker One-year term Receives reassigned time
Negotiator At Large(2) One-year term Receives reassigned time
TREG Negotiator One-year term Receives reassigned time
Associate Cabinet Representative One-year term Receives reassigned time
* The first terms of the President and Chief Negotiating Officer shall be two years, and their subsequent terms shall be one year. AFA Bylaws Article III Section 3.
  Phone: 707⁄527–4731 FAX: 707⁄524–1762 Last Update: 03.14.22 03/12/25