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2022-25 Contract:
2022-23 MOUs

2019-22 Contract:
2021-22 MOUs

2019-21 MOUs

2014-17 Contract:
2016-19 MOUs
2015-16 MOUs
2014-15 MOUs

2011-14 Contract:
2013-14 MOUs
2012-13 MOUs
2011-12 MOUs


2022–25 AFA Contract - Articles

MOUs:  The District and AFA have reached agreement on Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs), which are written formal agreements or changes to the Contract that are in force. MOUs subsequently become part of the next Tentative Agreement and go to the AFA membership and the Board of Trustees for voting approval. Click here to view a complete listing of all approved MOUs.

Records of Interpretation: Formal records of Contract interpretation (per Article 6.03) are linked below next to the corresponding Contract Article number.

       2022-25 All Contract Articles, Appendices, and Addenda in one, searchable PDF
  Table of Contents -     with jump links to Article PDFs
  Article 1     -     Agreement to the Contract
  Article 2     -     District Rights
  Article 3     -     Association Rights
  Article 4     -     Non Discrimination
  Article 5      -     Professional Dues and Payroll Deductions
  Article 6     -     Interpreting Contract Language
  Article 7  -     Definitions
  Article 8      -     Academic Calendar
  Article 9      -     Academic Freedom

  Article 10     

-     Benefits
  Article 11     -     Conciliation/Grievance/Arbitration
  Article 12     -     Contract Education
  Article 13     -     Department Chairs and Coordinators

  Article 14A

-     Regular Faculty Evaluations
            Evaluation Forms available online

  Article 14B

-     Associate Faculty Evaluations 
            Evaluation Forms available online

            Formal Interpretation: "Setting Aside" a Faculty Member's Evaluation
  Article 15 -     Faculty Svc Areas & Competency Standards, and Reduction in Force of Faculty Positions

  Article 16

-     Hourly Assignments
            Formal Interpretation: Load Balancing and Hourly Assignments
            Formal Interpretation: District Reassigned Time and Department Like-Load
  Article 17 -     Job Descriptions
  Article 18 -     Leaves
  Article 19     -     Parking
  Article 20      -     Personnel Files
  Article 21     
-     Professional Growth Increments (PGI)
            Formal Interpretation: Documentation of Professional Growth Increments (PGI)
            Formal Interpretation: Approval, Eligibility, and Sabbatical compensation
  Article 22      -     Professional Development
  Article 23      -     Misconduct Investigations and Progressive Discipline
  Article 24      -     Retirement
  Article 25 -     Sabbatical Leave
            Formal Interpretation: Sabbatical Leave Eligibility
  Article 26 -     Salary Schedule Development

  Article 27

-     Salary Placement
            Formal Interpretation: Summer Terms and Salary Placement
  Article 28      -     Special Educational Leave
  Article 29      -     Substitutes and Reporting Faculty Absences
  Article 30      -     Tenure Review
  Article 31      -     Working Conditions - General Conditions of Employment

  Article 32

-     Workload
           Formal Interpretation: Load Balancing and Hourly Assignments
  Phone: 707⁄527–4731 FAX: 707⁄524–1762 Last Update: 12/13/24